Thursday, December 29, 2011

Pocket Hand Chainsaw

While I'm not sure how long one of these Pocket Chainsaws will stay sharp, for under $40 it'll get you out of a pinch...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Music Tags

Here are todays tags...

Had to strip the paint off the bathroom ceiling last night, caught the last ever Super Request on Triple J.

5am start at work this morning with @Rage_ABC on the TV. Saturday morning Rage is mostly teeny-bopper crap before 9am, but there are usually a couple of ok clips.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Music Tags

I'm hopeless... that is to say my memory sucks big time. No matter how much I love something, I often forget about plans. That's been happening a lot with music, stuff I want to buy, artists I want to learn more about. Enter Shazam... I've been tagging music simply as a way to quickly create a record of music I like.

I figured it might be time to start sharing those tags...

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